Thursday, April 8, 2010

knock knock...

Today, part of our reading included knock-knock jokes. I have to admit, regardless of how corny the jokes might be, it's refreshing to get to just laugh with the kids instead of sticking to a strict curriculum.
After reading some of the knock-knock jokes, I said another one to the kids. I'm sure you've heard's the one where you keep saying "banana" when they ask who's there; then finally you answer "orange" and proceed to say "orange you glad I didn't say banana?" Well, the kids loved that one and decided they wanted to make up their own. Here are just a few:

Knock, knock...
Who's there?
Book who?
Book head!!
(they thought adding the word 'head' to any word was hilarious...the humor obviously goes over my head)

Knock, knock...
Who's there?
Banana who?
Banana, orange you glad I didn't say orange?!
(But you did say orange....)

Knock, knock...
Who's there?
Violet who?
Violet, sparkly, purple!

That's all of the jokes I can remember off the top of my head. It's somewhat hard to remember jokes that have no punch line whatsoever. Anyway, I figured I would end this post with a couple of quotes that involved mix-ups on words:

Me: Alright L, which joke was your favorite?
J: I bet I know what you're going to pick!
Me: J, just let L pick on her own...
L: Yea J, you're not a sign-kick!
Me: You mean...psychic?

(The following dialogue was during science when we were talking about how matter can change)
Me: Alright, when I ask you how matter can change, I'm not talking about it changing length or breaking. I mean, if I broke a pencil in half it doesn't change into something different, like a flower. It's still a pencil.
L: Yea, if it changed into a flower, then you'd be a musician!
Me: Magician...

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